Fishing Reports

Dec 13 2012

The Dolphin fishing seems to be winding down although we are still catching some. The Kingfish bite is improving and we have caught our first “smoker” Kings (those over 30 pounds) just in the last several days. Blackfin Tuna are also biting better. The reef has been providing consistent action from Yellowtail, Cero, Bonita and Grouper. Sailfish action has at least temporarily slowed down.

By |2012-12-13T23:15:13+00:00December 13th, 2012|Fishing Reports|

December 2, 2012

The Dolphin bite continues even as we move into the month of Dec. It should be way off season for these fish but they remain around in very good numbers and very close to the reef edge. Most of the Dolphin we have caught recently have been in 150′ to 250′. Sailfish and various reef fish are making up the rest of our catch.

By |2012-12-02T14:20:12+00:00December 2nd, 2012|Fishing Reports|

Nov 27 2012

We are catching Sailfish and Dolphin along with a mix of patch reef fish, including Grouper Snapper and Cero.

By |2012-11-27T15:24:15+00:00November 27th, 2012|Fishing Reports|

Nov 21 2012

Lots of north wind with cooler weather is bringing the water temperatures down in the Key West area and establishing the conditions for good winter fishing. Ballyhoo are congregating in huge schools along the reef and attracting preditors of all kinds. We have been catching Sailfish, Dolphin, Blackfin Tuna, Cero, and Mutton & Yellowtail Snapper all in 20′ – 30′ of water on the shallowest reefs where they are feeding on the plentiful Ballyhoo. It’s quite a sight to see a giant school of Ballyhoo errupt out of the water with countless Frigate birds and sportfish in hot persuit.

By |2012-11-21T23:37:17+00:00November 21st, 2012|Fishing Reports|

November 12 2012

We have had a mixed bag of fishing opportunities over the last week. Sailfishing continues to improve, along with King Mackerel, reef fish and even a few late season Dolphin

By |2012-11-12T22:30:56+00:00November 12th, 2012|Fishing Reports|

November 2 2912

After more than a week of very strong winds associated with the passage of Hurricane Sandy, calmer conditions have returned. We have also had the first cool weather of the season. Sailfish are increasing in numbers along with Blackfin Tuna. Plenty of Amberjack remain on the wrecks and Yellowtail are biting on the reef edge.

By |2012-11-02T13:03:34+00:00November 2nd, 2012|Fishing Reports|

Oct 13, 2012


A half day's reef catch

African Pompano

We continue to catch a few Sailfish along the edge of the reef. This fishing will improve as the weather cools. We are beginning to see huge schools of Ballyhoo on the reef which is also a good sign for the improvement of our Sailfishing. Bottom fishing along the reef edge has been productive. Yellowtail, and Mutton Snapper along with a few Grouper are biting as well as King Mackeral and Cero. We have caught quite a few Cero in the last several days in the 10 pound range, thats a big Cero- and great fighters on light tackle.

By |2012-10-14T14:48:00+00:00October 14th, 2012|Fishing Reports|

Fishing action during the first week in Oct.

As is typical this time of year, we are between seasons so there is a little bit of everything going on. Yellowtail Snapper are biting on the reef, a few Dolphin remain offshore and Tuna and Sailfish are increasing in numbers in the waters just offshore of the reef. In four days of fishing last week we raised 6 Sailfish, 5 of which bit. We also caught Tuna each day. This fishing will continue to improve as the weather cools.

By |2012-10-06T14:07:11+00:00October 6th, 2012|Fishing Reports|

Captain takes fishing vacation

For most of us who are professional fishing Captains, our work is also our avocation. Not surprisingly then we often go fishing for a vacation.
For the third year in a row I spent the better part of a month in Nova Scotia sharpening my Bluefin Tuna fishing skills. We caught a total of 59 fish, all but 5 were tagged and released. They ranged in size from 250lbs to 700lbs.

By |2012-09-28T15:39:59+00:00September 28th, 2012|Fishing Reports|
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